In der Jazzology-Sendung vom 16. März, im Freien Radio Rhein-Neckar, gibt es diesmal einen leicht coronagrundierten Hintergrund (Samm Bennett), einige Regensongs und zwei Neuvorstellungen von nic demasow und Lina Allemano’s Ohrenschmaus.
Mean ol ’ Coronavirus / by Samm Bennett
that mean ol’ coronavirus
sure is puttin’ a crimp in my evenin‘
i was supposed to go out drinkin’ with a couple of friends
won’t be as fun to stay at home, you best believin’
ah but i guess it’s a small price to pay
better than lying in the ICU a week from Thursday… hey hey hey
(that means Intensive Care Unit y’all … in case you didn’t know)
that mean ol’ coronavirus
some people say it ain’t a thing to get all worried about
and i’d agree we mustn’t let ourselves be paralyzed by fear
but we can take some extra cautions
man there ain’t no doubt
wash your hands real good and do it often
put some alcohol on ‘em if you can
and try to stay away
stay away from crowded places like they say
it’s called a pandemic people
and that ain’t nothin’ to be cavalier about, y’see …
we got to think of our friends and loved ones and old folks
i take care of you and you take care of me
we’re all a part of a community
that mean ol’ corona virus
we got to utilize our common sense
and it’s sad but true but we got to face one fact
we can‘t always rely on our governments
got politicians making speeches talkin’ trash an’ tellin’ lies
better listen to the experts is what i would advise
i would advise
coronavirus we’re gonna beat you in the end
plus we’ll see which politicians are the people’s true friend
and with any luck then they’ll be gone just like that virus will
let’s send ‘em tumblin’ down the hill
just like ol’ Jack and Jill
coronavirus . . . coronavirus
ooh, take some of these politicians with you when you go
Words and Music copyright 2020 Samm Bennett, All Rights Reserved
released March 14, 2020, Recorded at Polarity Studio, Tokyo, March 14, 2020
| Mean ol´ Coronavirus – zu haben bei Bandcamp.

Samm Bennet – History Of The Last Five Minutes (1995)
Bright New Future
Underwater Still Live in Motion With Rituals Dagger And Cloud
No Such Animal
Claus Boesser-Ferrari / Eugene Chadbourne – Nowhere Men
Mardi Gras BB – The Exile Itch
Who Sent The Rain
Grateful Dead – American Beauty
Box of Rain
Phil Woods – Live
Rain Dance
Ditzner – Rain
John Coltrane – Complete Impulse Studio Records
After The Rain
Chadbourne / Schroeder – Who’s
Die Verlinkungen zu den Bands führt zur jeweiligen Bandcamp Website, wo die Musik direkt von den Künstlern erworben werden kann.

nic demasow – NUTSHELL

Lina Allemano’s Ohrenschmaus – Rats And Mice
Year of the Eye
Geröstet Peanut
Rats, Mice and Everything Nice
Very Dirty
Grüner Schmaus
Informationen im Web: Jazzology, Bermudafunk
Jazzology ist die wöchentliche Jazz-Sendung im Freien Radio Rhein-Neckar und wird vom Webmaster der Jazzpages seit 1998 gestaltet.