Ein Heidelberger in New York: Karl Berger’s Improvisers Orchestra Launches New Series at The Jazz Gallery

A New Round of Acclaimed Workshop/PerformanceEvenings

DebutsTuesday, March 20th and continues a bi-weekly Tuesday Night Series through May15

7:30 p.m.Workshop/rehearsal  |  9:00 p.m. Performance

 (Woodstock, NY):  Karl Berger’s Improvisers Orchestra debutsTuesday, March 20th, 2012 at The Jazz Gallery, 290 Hudson Street, New York, NY. Following acritically-acclaimed eight-month run at The Stone in 2011, Karl Berger’sOrchestra of 18+  professional string,horn, and percussion soloists continues to turn improvisational ideas developedin the 7:30 pm workshop/rehearsal into a fully formed 9:00 pm performance.Using his “Music Mind” concept, Karl introduces a new approach and experienceof harmonizing improvised sound. 

Conductedin Karl’s inimitable style, developed at the legendary Creative Music Studio,this orchestra of extraordinary improvisers explores original themes, melodiesfrom the world’s folk traditions and compositions written by the likes of DonCherry or Ornette Coleman, as well as musical ideas that arise spontaneously.One of the orchestra’s trademarks is Ingrid Sertso’s uncanny vocalization andpoetry.                                              

Therotating cast of soloists, with a solid core of regulars, includes WarrenSmith, drums, Hilliard Greene (bass), Ken Filiano (bass), Kenny Wessel(guitar), Harvey Valdes (guitar), Peter Apfelbaum (tenor sax, flute), DanielCarter (tenor sax, flute, trumpet), Stephen Gauci, (tenor sax), Welf Dorr,(alto sax), Catherine Sikora, (soprano sax), Bill Ylitalo (baritone sax, altoflute, piccolo flute), Thomas Heberer (trumpet), Brian Groder (trumpet),Michael Lytle (bass clarinet), Blaise Siwula (clarinet), Yukari Watanabe (altoflute), Frederika Krier (violin), Mossa Bildner (vocals), Ingrid Sertso(vocals), and surprise guests.     

All netproceeds support the Creative Music Studio’s Archive Project, the preservationand re-mastering of over 400 historic CMS recordings by some of the finestinnovators in music, in collaboration with Columbia University.

Forreservations call The Jazz Gallery  (212) 242-1063

Tickets are$20.00 Workshop + Performance | $15.00 for Members and Students.   $15.00 Performance Only | $10.00 for Membersand Students.

The JazzGallery is located at 290 Hudson Street, New York, NY

(betweenSpring St and Dominik Street( Subways and C/E)

For programand artistic info:



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