Al Jarreau, eigentlich Alwyn Lopez Jarreau (* 12. März 1940 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; † 12. Februar 2017 Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Jazz-, Pop- und Rhythm-and-Blues-Sänger sowie Songautor.
Wie das Management von Al Jarreau bekannt gab, ist der amerikanische Jazzsängerin am 12. Februar verstorben. Jarreau hatte erst vor wenigen Tagen seinen endgültigen Abschied von der Bühne bekannt gegeben.
„Dear friends, family and colleagues,
Al Jarreau passed away this morning, at about 5:30am LA time. He was in the hospital, kept comfortable by Ryan, Susan, and a few of his family and friends.
Ryan and Susan will hold a small, private service at home, for immediate family only. No public service is planned yet, but I will inform you if that changes.
Ryan asks that no flowers or gifts are send to their home or office. Instead, if you are motivated to do so, please make a contribution to the Wisconsin Foundation for School Music, a wonderful organization which supports music opportunities, teachers, and scholarships for students in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin. A donation page is here. Even if you do not plan to contribute, please list that page and give yourself a few minutes to watch a beautiful tribute video that Wisconsin Public Television produced to honor Al when he received his lifetime achievement award in October.“
Quelle: EBONY http://www.ebony.com/entertainment-culture/al-jarreau-dead#ixzz4YUqW0XwE