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DRA (Dell, Ramond, Astor) bei Jazz im Busch (MA)
16. November 2023 @ 20:00 – 22:00
DRA is a research ensemble of composer and vibraphonist Christopher Dell which focuses on the exploration of closed form. Together with his colleagues Christian Ramond (bass) and Felix Astor (drums) Dell takes the traditional sound of the acoustic vibraphone-trio into the future of tomorrows compositions of contemporary music. With DRA Dell presents a “unique hybrid of composition, improvisation, communication, and complex metric modulations that reflect his deep engagement with organizational studies.” (George Lewis) The material, performed with enormous vitality, oscillates between different meters and tempos, constantly changing gears. This music is complex, yet sounds very fluent. Founded in 1998, the trio has through a recherche de longue durée established a very tight rhythmic texture, dynamic power yet high abstraction. Concerts and publications have received enthusiastic audiences, reviews and high acclaim over the years.
Galerie vom letzten DRA Konzert bei Jazz im Busch. Photos: Schindelbeck Jazzfotografie
| Christopher Dell, vib
| Christian Ramond braucht kein Internet aber bei Wikipedia kennt man ihn, b
| Felix Astor, dr